Learn to Dive

Learn to Scuba Dive

Join the most popular diving course!

This is the most popular scuba diving program in the world! Learn to dive together with family or friends and get an official scuba diving certification. This great program for young and old is available everywhere in the world and offers different learning styles and the flexibility to fit with your schedule.

This course takes a couple of days and consist of theory, pool/confined sessions and open water training dives. During the theory you will learn all the knowledge to dive safely with your friends and family. The pool/confined sessions give you the time to get comfortable with the dive equipment and practice different skills you will need in the open water. The open water dives can vary between 4-6 training dives, where you together with an instructor will explore the dive sites.

Course Certification: After completing this course you will receive an official certification that will be valid to dive anywhere around the world.

Learn to Dive

Start the theory, confined water, open water dives and achieve an official dive certification.


It is highly recommended to complete a Dive Medical Questionnaire. With most diving activities, it is mandatory to complete a questionnaire prior to diving at any Dive Center and it’s part of general Dive Organization Standards. Confirm if you are fit to dive by downloading the medical questionnaire. Any questions or doubts you may have, or answers with “yes”, please visit a physician for more medical advise related to diving.


Scuba Dive Trips

Minimum age: 10 Years old.

Prerequisites: You must a diver certification.

Ready to explore the underwater world after certification? Lets go and find an awesome dive trip!