Dive Program Description
Take your basic SCUBA training to the next level! Learn new skills to make yourself a better diver and try some new activities like Night Diving, Wreck Diving (external), Deep Diving, Photography/Video and more! 5 open water dives required for completion.
Course price includes:
Instructor fee, dive boat charter fees, course materials and certification card fee.
Does NOT include: Additional equipment required for certain dives (ie: dive lights for night dives, compass for navigation dives, etc.)
PRE-REQUISITE: You MUST be Open Water certified and own your basic SCUBA gear (BCD/Regulator/Mask/Fins/Wetsuit). Additional equipment required for the class MUST be purchased before diving (this equipment will be discussed upon sign-up). We can assist you in the purchasing of these items through our local dive center partners.
Call 954.406.0181 for more information, or visit our WEBSITE to purchase your course.