Dive Program Description
Captain Don’s Habitat Dive Operation is a PADI Resort and a SDI 5 Star Professional Development Center.
It is centrally located within the resort complex for easy access from all rooms. We have three 1-tank boat departures daily, at 8.30 AM, 11 AM and 2 PM, to over 50 moored sights on our custom built dive boats. Each mooring buoy is limited to 1 boat so you’ll have the reef all to yourself. Diving Rates are priced per person per day unless otherwise noted.
Total Diving Freedom has always been the concept at Captain Don’s Habitat. Over 50 world class dives are within a 15 minute boat ride. Diving Freedom means 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with no rush or anxiety. Take a giant stride off our divers-only pier “baby dock” and you’re already looking at clusters of starlet coral, surrounded by colorful wrasse and gobies, and the drop-off starts in 30 feet, only a few kicks away. Shore diving is a must at Captain Don’s Habitat and around the island of Bonaire rated as the top shore diving destination in the world! Following accepted safe diving practices, you can grab a tank and go….whenever you want!
Are you the owner?
Creating your own account will be possible anytime and you have 100% controll over your programs. Please follow the link for more information.