Aqua Windie’s – Discover Dive

Dive Program ID: 5085
Aqua Windie's, Oranjestad,
1. Discover Scuba Diving
  • 867
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Dive Program Description

Discover Scuba Diving – Introduction Dive – Resort Dive

There is no better way to find out if you like diving, then to do a Discover Scuba Dive / Introduction Dive with Aqua Windie’s. For this dive you don’t need to be a certified diver! Everybody can try it!

This is how it works:

Before we take you out for the dive, we want to make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed! First you learn the basics of diving and practice skills in shallow water. After this, you’re ready to go!

  1. Watch a 25 minute instruction video

  2. Build op your gear with your instructor

  3. Go to the beach and practice skills in shallow water

  4. Have a beautiful 40 – 45 minute dive

During this 40-45 minute underwater dive, you will swim with amazing colorful fish, beautiful corals, relax and enjoy the feeling of weightlessness!

Are you the owner?

Creating your own account will be possible anytime and you have 100% control over your programs. Please follow the link for more information.



Additional Information

This Dive Program is including all taxes, except for Marine Park Fees, Member Application Fees & Exam Fees may apply. During all training dives & professional courses, student materials are included. An official dive certification will be processed when all training has been completed. is not responsible for any of the results coming from this Dive Deal!: I Understand

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